A couple of weeks before Jordan’s death, he wrote and delivered a hand-written birthday card to his beloved Aunty Karen, who lived next door. My sister Karen had received a cancer diagnosis only a couple of weeks earlier and was scheduled to have major surgery.
Aunty Karen was like a second mother to my children. Our summer home and Karen’s family home share the same property on Okanagan Lake and it was where we frequently gathered for holidays and every summer vacation.
The sentiments expressed in Jordan’s card speak volumes of his deep love and gratitude to his beloved aunt and his hope for her healing and well-being.

Healing is possible and takes many forms but it does not always involve being cured of an illness. My precious sister was told in June 2018 that the cancer treatment was not effective. She left us in a blaze of peacefulness, courage, and grace on January 29, 2019. She was able to realize her desire to die in her own home with a view of the lake.